Sunday, June 22, 2014

Whiffle & Hamlet

If you haven't seen on Facebook or Instagram lately.....Dusty and I got pigs!
Two big fat, adorable pigs.

Growing up, Dusty use to show pigs for 4-H and absolutely loved it. All the stories and pictures of Dusty's pig showin' days makes my heart melt. How cute is this little guy with his pigs????

So now that Dusty is farming and we are loving our life on the farm, we thought it would be fun to have some pigs back on the farm again. According to Dusty, he hasn't raised pigs since he was 9 or 10 from in the late 90's, and boy is he happy to have them again.

I know it's not smart to name your future bacon and pork butt, but how can you not!?!?!? The pink pig is named Whiffle due to the holes in his ears, like a whiffle ball from elementary school PE. On the hutterite colony were we got the pigs, that was how they tagged them, so we thought the name would fit. The brown pig (my favorite, and the most friendly), is named Hamlet! Get it, Ham-let. Hehehe!

One of Hamlet's favorite things in the entire world is to get his belly scratched. You start scratching him and he will roll over and let you scratch him anywhere and everywhere. He is super friendly and Dusty says he has never met a friendlier piggy. I love that pig. Maybe I can convince Dusty to keep him :)

Now that we have pigs, I'm trying to convince Dusty we need some cows, goats, chickens, etc.
The more farm animals, the merrier!

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